Wajubu Vol. 20 - No. 4 - December 2005
18 July 2006
Who would admit to being without a culture and without values? Both “culture” and “values” belong to that select family of words, like “love” and “friendship” which are universally embraced and endorsed but which have decidedly different meanings for different people. So much so that it is perhaps better to abandon attempts at defining them in favour of cataloguing the association of ideas that they are likely to evoke.
John Sibi-Okumu
In thinking about the optimum use of human resources in our country, it was natural to let our thoughts go to professional societies and to the role they play in this process. WAJIBU therefore talked with Mr. Job Kihumba, the Executive Director of APSEA (Association of Professional Societies in East Africa). We also interviewed Dr. James Nyikal, the then chairman of the Kenya Medical Association. You will find their thoughts below. (A few days after the interview took place Dr. Nyikal was appointed the Director of Medical Services in Kenya and resigned as chairman of KMA). The interviews were conducted by the Editor of WAJIBU.
The Congregational Model Approach of the
Inter-Religious Council of Kenya
18 July 2006
“Globalisation” means different things to different people. To some it means the ever-widening reach of multinational companies, such as Coca-Cola to market their products; to others it conjures up images of the dumping of bales of “mitumba1 in the third world, to still others it represents the ever-increasing domination of Western culture.
WAJIBU discussed the issue of globalisation with Sunny Bindra. Sunny Brinda is a management consultant by profession but writes passionately on a wide variety of social and moral issues. Below are the thoughts we gleaned from him on the subject.
Sunny Bindra as discussed with G. Wakuraya Wanjohi

Leopold Mureithi and Charles Wasikama
The World Council of Churches has been engaged in interfaith dialogue for quite a number of years. Specifically they have sponsored the meetings of a group of people representing different faith communities in order to explore issues of common concern. The Group is called Thinking Together . In the wake of 11th September 2001, WCC sponsored a consultation of this group in St. Petersburg, Florida, on the theme Religion and violence. Reverend Dr. Hans Ucko, the Editor of the WCC Office on Interreligious Relations wrote an introduction to this theme. We have reproduced two papers of this consultation most relevant to our subject, namely, part of the introduction to the consultation by Reverend Dr. Hans Ucko (see below) as well as the paper The co-existence of violence and non-violence in Judaism.
Hans Ucko
If there is one thing that we have learned after living more than
twenty years with the reality of HIV/AIDS, it is that all of society must be involved in mitigating the effects of the disease. This lesson is starting to be put into effect in quite a few countries in Africa.
18 July 2006