Daily news and weekly updates from Africa
- Friday 16 May 2014
DRC: Communities in North-Central Katanga Facing Widespread Violence
Since January, clashes between certain Pygmy and Luba communities have been steadily increasing, particularly in the area between Kiambi and Nyunzu, north of the “triangle of death.” - Thursday 15 May 2014
Egypt: Second Wave of Mass Death Sentences Fails Justice and Reconciliation
On 28 April 2014, a group of 683 individuals were sentenced to death in Egypt, on charges related to the events in Al-Minya in August 2013. - Wednesday 14 May 2014
South Sudan: IDPs Receive First Mass Oral Cholera Vaccination
The first campaign began on May 6th at the PoC site in Bor (Jonglei State), which hosts an estimated 3,600 IDPs. Some 2,862 IDPs were vaccinated. A second round will begin in Bor on May 20th. - Wednesday 14 May 2014
Nigeria: Norwegian Government Offers Support to Girls’ Education in The North
Boko Haram’s brutal attack on the school in Chibok in Borno state in northern Nigeria on 14 April and the group’s kidnapping of over 200 girls from the school has attracted a great deal of attention both in Nigeria and in the rest of the world. - Monday 12 May 2014
Africa: China Boosts Fight Aganist Climate Change
China has been criticized for being the world’s largest emitter of CO2, prompting her to commit to reducing the emission by 40-45% per unit of GDP below 2005 levels by 2020. - Monday 12 May 2014
South Sudan: A Third of Citizens Now Severely Food Insecure and Risks Famine, Warns FAO
The latest warnings on food insecurity in South Sudan are based on the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis conducted in April and May. - Friday 9 May 2014
South Sudan: Human Rights Violations Underscores Extreme Urgency-UN Report
This report, based on interviews with more than 900 victims, witnesses and others, illustrates just how quickly a political struggle within the ruling party was allowed – or even encouraged – to metamorphose into an ethnic-based conflict of the most lethal sort - Friday 9 May 2014
Nigeria: UN Calls for Immediate Release of Abducted Girls and Accountability of Perpetrators
On 14 April, many girls – more than 200 according to different sources – were abducted at gunpoint from their secondary school during a violent raid by Boko Haram in the village of Chibok, Borno State, in the northeast of Nigeria. - Wednesday 7 May 2014
South Sudan: Asylum Seekers Flood into Ethiopia
As fighting between government and opposition forces continues in South Sudan, people are continuing to leave, according to IOM Ethiopia staff on the border. Ethiopia has said that it will keep its doors open to asylum seekers fleeing the conflict. - Tuesday 5 May 2014
Mali: Prison Authorities Campaign to Eradicate Scabies Outbreaks in Prisons
Overcrowding makes prisons a prime breeding ground for certain diseases, especially skin infections, giving reason to focus scabies eradication efforts in these facilities more than elsewhere. - Friday 2 May 2014
Mali: Displaced Families Quit South and Return to North
The increase in the number of returnees recorded by the April DTM was primarily attributed to improved security, but also to IOM’s ability to now collect data from more return areas. - Wednesday 30 April 2014
South Africa: UNHCR and IOM Announce a Writing Competition to Highlight the Positive Contributions of Refugees/Migrants
The contest titled “Shared Wishes, Shared Dreams” aims to promote the positive contributions of refugees and migrants in South African communities. - Tuesday 29 April 2014
Ethiopia: Red Cross Provides South Sudanese Refugees with Urgent Life-Saving Support
After assessing conditions in the refugee camps in early March, Red Cross Movement partners sent two fully equipped ambulances to the camps along with two other vehicles. - Monday 28 April 2014
Somali Pirates Flee Captured Dhow as EU Naval Force Applies Pressure
Before they left the dhow, the master said that the pirates had stolen electronic equipment and other personal items from the crew. - Friday 25 April 2014
E. Africa: Facebook partners Tigo to Give Customers Free Access
It is the first time that Facebook will be free on any mobile network in East Africa