7 Links
Africa Peace Point
Founded in 1998,Africa Peace Point (APP) is a non-profit and non-religious organization.
APP offers a safe and supportive environment where the grassroots peace initiatives can air their views and learn listening, communication and other conflict resolution techniques that allow them to develop concern for one another.
A network of volunteers relaying African perspectives and alternative analyses to promote justice and human rights.
Amani which in Kiswahili means peace, is a lay voluntary movement, inspired and founded by Father Renato Kizito Sesana, a Catholic missionary.
Amani is a non-government association, acknowledged by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Amani is particularly concerned with helping African populations.
EINNEWS.com - A service for global professionals
EIN News is the news of the world to be read in any format you would like it in. It is a conglomeration of over 40,000 news sections of current event publications that are searchable by country, industry, topic and interest. It is currently being used as a resource for journalists, analysts, industry professionals and others who need to follow the latest developments in every country's economy, business, industries, politics, international relations as well as human rights, religion, terrorism, and much more.
EMCAfrica, Events Management Consultants
EMC Africa Limited is an Events management company with its head office situated on 4th floor Twiga Towers, Moi Avenue, Nairobi.
The company was established in October 2004 with Mid-Africa Technologies Ltd and Shemase Company Ltd as its principal shareholders.
EMC Africa Ltd is an active member of the Association of Event Managers Kenya (AEMK) with its representation at the board level of the association.
Koinonia Community Mthunzi Centre
Koinonia is a lay Christian community inspired by the life of the first Christians as reported in the Acts of the Apostles. Members of the community live as one family, sharing dreams, successes and failures, while fostering always stronger bonds of brotherhood.
Shalom House
Shalom House
a centre for justice and peace
Shalom House is an initiative of Koinonia, a lay Christian community based in Nairobi. It houses a documentation centre on peace and reconciliation in Africa and the offices of various associations promoting a culture of peace, such as Amani People Theatre, Africa Peace Point and Koinonia Advisory Research and Development Services. It has accommodation, dining and workshop facilities.
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