It was the first time for many of us to attend this rite, and it served to stress the point that the real good leaders are those who are ready to serve and even to die for the others. It was a very realistic rite, since it was organized at the last minute and the feet of some really needed washing!
On Good Friday we all went to Kazimva, the central point of the Parish where we belong, for the Adoration of the Cross. For us it is about 3 km away and a large number of youth converged there even from the other 7 sub-centers of the Parish.
The Resurrection was celebrated on Saturday night at Mthunzi again, due to the fact that people do not like to walk long distances at night. Yet some of our neighbors attended, and at the end we invited everyone present to stay for supper and to share a small piece of cake. There was great rejoicing, and the Mthunzi boys really sung their hearts out.
On Easter morning we attended Mass at our sub-centre, Tubalange, while father Kizito celebrated and several of us had different duties, like being altar boys, choir members, readers and so on.
Yesu anauka kwa akufa, chaka chabwino che Pasaka kwa anthu onse!
By Mike, Brian and Protazio