Shalom House

A centre for justice and peace

Telephone: 254-20-3877553 - 254-20-3875288 / Fax: 254-20-3877892
Postal address: P.O. Box 21255,005050 Nairobi, Kenya

Shalom House is an initiative of Koinonia, a lay Christian community based in Nairobi. It houses a documentation centre on peace and reconciliation in Africa and the offices of various associations promoting a culture of peace, such as Amani People Theatre, Africa Peace Point and Koinonia Advisory Research and Development Services. It has accommodation, dining and workshop facilities.

Shalom house is located just off Ngong' Road behind St. Pallotti Catholic Church just after Dagoretti Corner, only about 7 km coming from the city centre. It is served by public transport and there is ample and well secured parking space. (Click here for a map)

Outside shalom house Official launch of Shalom House on 12th July 2003 by Archbishop of Nairobi, Ndingi Mwana N'zeki
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