Kenya: New Report Says Coastal Town of Mombasa to Submerge in 20 Years
By Staff Writer
A new report by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), warns Mombasa and other parts of the Kenyan Coast could submerge under the ocean in 20 years time.
The experts have warned that the Kenyan Coastline as it is today will be no more in two decades due to the rising ocean waters brought about by global climate change.
Judy Wakhungu, Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Water and Environment says Watamu and Ngomeni areas in the north Coast show proof that submergence of the coastline and wave erosion has already begun.
Prof. Wakhungu also said entire swathes of land on the mainland are now being laid to waste by invasion of salt waters from the ocean.
Speaking at World Environment Day celebrations in Magarini, Kilifi County on Friday June 5, and CS quoted the new IPCC report which shows that coastal habitats and small islands are facing a dangerous threat from rising seas due to the ever changing climate conditions in the world.
“The report projects the complete submergence of Mombasa Island in 20-50 years if no appropriate measures are put in place,” said CS adding: “There will also be an increased invasion of saline sea water landwards while prolonged droughts and water scarcity will persist, resulting in reduced generation of hydro-electric power.”
CS said low-lying inland areas like Lamu and Tana River are increasingly becoming prone to floods and invasion by saline water.
She said in an effort to protect Ngomeni village from wave erosion, where the Coast Development Authority (CDA) has built a 300-metre protection wall on the sea front.
“It is not only Kenya that is being faced with this catastrophe, therefore global cooperation is needed urgently to combat climate change caused by increased carbon emissions,” she said.
According to Wakhungu, the report further indicated that there will be drastic reduction of crop production especially tea, maize and coffee while livestock farmers will be forced to embrace lower producing but heat-tolerant breeds.
She also said even though the IPCC had recommended some mitigation efforts to limit the effects of climate change in the report, these could have an adverse effect on the Continents resources, including the recently discovered oil in Kenya - Turkana County.