By Newsfromafrica
MOGADISHU-- His Excellency Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon on a state visit in Djibouti Thursday received material support for security forces after holding talks with the government led by the Prime Minister H. E. Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed.
Djibouti government grants a material donation to the operational capacity of enforcer security forces. The compositions of this material support are lightweight counter protest vehicles and transport trucks. Agreement was signed by the two defence ministers H. E. Abdihakin Mahamed Haji Fiqa and H. E. Hassan Dharar Hufane. The signing ceremony was held in Sheikh Osman military Camp.
The agreement was reached few days before 206 Somali especial police unit are due to finish a 3 months training in Djibouti on April 16. The police training is part of the European Union effort to rebuild the Somali police force.
Somali Defence Minister stated the need to improve the security force to enforce law and order and defeat terrorists in Somalia. He pointed out the importance of the Djibouti grant and appealed to the international community to follow suit in support of rebuilding the security forces especially the Somali police force.
“This material support is a good beginning and we will use it to guarantee the sanctuary of our people,” Prime Minister said. “I want to repeat that the Somali government will use these materials in a responsible way,” Prime Minister said during a media briefing at Camp Sheikh Osman.
The delegation is on a regional trip titled “Strengthening Relationship Tour” to Djibouti, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi and possibly Kenya. The focus of discussions is on regional security, trade, improving human rights and greater partnership on regional development.