Kenya: Nyanza/Western CSOs Call for Peace ahead of Elections
By Lilian Museka
KISUMU--Civil Society Organizations in Nyanza and Western regions have expressed concern over the increasing cases of threats to peace and security ahead of the next General Elections.
More than 20 representatives of CSOs drawn from the two provinces meeting in Kisumu called on the government, political leaders and ordinary Kenyans to work towards building peace in the lead up to General Elections.
The CSOs, most of which have been partnering with Amkeni Wa Kenya -UNDP Governance Programme since 2008, called on leaders and other stakeholders to urgently deal with cases of violence emerging in different parts of the country, including the Tana Delta and Kisumu.
“We wish to call for the faithful implementation of the constitution as a foundation for stability and peace in Kenya and urge MPs to stop any attempts to water down bills brought before the House for short term gain or political expediency,” said Cynthia Mutere, a member of the Stakeholder Reference Group representing CSOs in the region in the Amkeni WaKenya –UNDP Governance Programme.
The CSOs rejected the ongoing attempts by prospective candidates for various County seats in the region to “share out” seats in hotel rooms through “Pre-election pacts” adding that the constitution guaranteed greater citizens participation in the election of leaders.
The meeting resolved to form a vibrant network of non state actors in the region and resolved to work towards getting more women and youths to contest various leadership positions in the coming General Elections in line with the constitution.
The CSOs identified a number of key challenges facing Nyanza and Western Regions which could impact negatively on the coming elections and resolved to work together with other stakeholders to address them.
“We call for enhanced peace and security, greater internal democracy in political parties, vetting of leaders, speedy and transparent voter registration and accelerated voter education as pre-requisites for free, fair and credible General Elections, ” said Betty Okero, Coordinator, CSO Network.
The CSOs resolved to build a stronger, vibrant and inclusive network of Non-State Actors in the Region to intensify mobilization of citizens in all the ten Counties of Busia, Vihiga, Kakamega, Bungoma, Nyamira, Kisii, Homabay, Siaya, Kisumu and Migori to work towards peace and higher voter turn- out during the coming elections.