Somalia: EU Pledges to Work More Closely with Local Partners
By NewsfromAfrica
MOGADISHU---In order to reinforce Somali partnership in EU development cooperation programmes in Somalia, the EU Ambassador and Special Envoy to Somalia, Michele Cervone d'Urso, has adopted a new approach on engagement with Somali NGOs.
"The Somalis have taken their destiny in their own hands and the EU will support them in doing so, said Michele Cervone d'Urso. That is why we will work closely with the new Somali authorities but also with Somali civil society that plays a crucial role in the rebuilding of the Somali Nation. "
As the EU Special Envoy has decided to increase the EU engagement in Somalia and to move towards a more balanced partnership with Somalis, the decision has been made to open up future EU calls for proposals to Somali NGOs applying as "partners". Somali NGO's will indeed, from now on, be able to apply for EU grants if they do so in partnership with international NGO's. This possibility did not exist in the past when several limitations existed.
This new approach is considered as a first important step in changing attitude of the EU towards Somali NGOs. Taking into account that the situation in Somalia is changing on a daily basis, the EU will re-evaluate this approach in the near future to see if other options of cooperation could be explored.