Kenya: EU Supports Elections Through Civil Society
By NewsfromAfrica
NAIROBI---Following a call for proposals financed by the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), the Delegation of the EU to Kenya decided to grant 133 million Ksh (1.3 million EUR) to enable the civil society to contribute to the establishment of the new political system enshrined in the new Constitution. At the onset, the EU Delegation felt an urgent need to initiate pilot projects with non-state actors and local communities to carry out civic education on both the upcoming elections and the constitutional dispensations on devolution, to pre-empt tensions locally during this transition phase, and to develop the capacity of the new institutions to be established at county level as a result of the 2013 elections.
Lot 1 of this call for proposals focuses on civil society-led proposals on the preparation, monitoring and immediate follow-up of the elections. The implementation of the 3 projects selected, for a total amount of 75 million Ksh, has started in August, and will encompass activities such as early warning in potential hotspots, media training, civic education, and outreach to communities for conflict prevention before, during and after the elections.
Lot 2 targets proposals, also from the civil society, to build the capacity of the newly-established counties, while setting the stage for inclusive decision making, transparency and accountability of these new institutions. The 2 projects selected, covering Kisumu, Nakuru and Turkana, for a total amount of 58 million Ksh, are kicking off this month to raise awareness on the constitutional framework on devolution, before working on capacity building and governance in these counties after the elections.
All 5 projects selected include Kenyan NGOs as implementing partners.
"These projects will help defuse election-based tensions in past hotspots of violence, and will sow the seeds of good governance in pilot counties, thereby translating into reality the reforms contained in the Constitution. These projects will also offer a platform for civil society organisations and local authorities to work hand in hand on the implementation of the Constitution at county level", said Lodewijk Briët, Head of the EU Delegation in Kenya.