African -Nordic Foreign Ministers Set meet in Sweden
By George Okore
This year’s informal meeting of Foreign Ministers between Nordic countries and eleven African countries will be held from September 5-6, 2011 at Örenäs Castle, south of Helsingborg in Sweden.
At the meeting, ministers will discuss economic development and growth against the backdrop of strong economic outlook in several African countries, freedom on the Internet, democracy and state-building and other topical issues.
They will discuss the myriad challenges and problems ravaging the Africa continent including drought, food scarcity, poor human rights and democratic record. Noteworthy,the world has seen much progress in poverty reduction over the last 50 years and there are many success stories to learn from. Yet, the challenges continue to be formidable, the global economic outlook remains uncertain and the geopolitical situation is tenuous.
The meeting comes when many African countries, especially those in Sub-Saharan region suffer from weak governance, civil strife and human rights violations. The growing severity of the HIV/AIDS epidemic poses an increasing threat to development in many poverty-stricken regions. Also, the weak institutional framework for private sector development in the poorest countries hampers private investment, which is so desperately needed to promote economic growth and reduce poverty.
Secondly, African progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals has been slow and uneven. At the current pace, most countries of Sub-Saharan Africa will not be able to achieve the goals by 2015.
The Nordic countries are expected to lend financial and material support to their African counterparts, especially towards capacity building measures in Sub-Saharan African constituencies. Through such informal meetings, the countries will also share policies, harmonizes development efforts and, as a result, improve aid effectiveness.
Each year, hosting the meeting has alternated between an African country and a Nordic country with Senegal hosting the meeting last year. This year, Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt, Trade Minister Ewa Björling and Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson will also be taking part.
In attendance will also be Foreign Ministers (or other representatives) from Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland, and Benin, Botswana, Ghana, Lesotho, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania and Djibouti.