Uganda: ICC Organises a Regional Academic Seminar in Kampala
By Staff Writer
KAMPALA— 11 University lecturers and professors from Kenya and Uganda from 4 to 8 July 2011, participated in a seminar on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Criminal Law organised by the ICC in Kampala, Uganda. This was part of the academic programme, conducted in accordance with the ICC Information Strategy.
The seminar’s main objective was to encourage and involve universities in the countries where the ICC is conducting investigations to design and incorporate in-depth and specialised courses on international law and the ICC into their syllabuses.
The seminar, which follows a first event organised in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) in June 2011, was also held in cooperation with the Université Paul-Cézanne Aix-Marseille III and with the financial assistance of the European Union. Working sessions and roundtable discussions were facilitated by Professor Xavier Philippe, professor of International Criminal Law at Université Paul-Cézanne.
“The seminar has been an eye-opener to all of us. It will lead to increased visibility and quality teaching of both International Criminal Law and subjects related to the International Criminal Court as University course units,” one of the lecturers participating in the seminar, Dr Ronald Kakungulu-Mayambala, of Makerere University School of Law in Kampala, explained. His colleague from Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi, Ms Evelyne Asaala, stated that the seminar allowed for “a critical analysis of the subject as well as experience sharing among the lecturers from different contexts.”
ICC’s website will be providing to the general public in French and English on a tailored academic portal of Information on the ICC’s academic programme and on the seminars, together with teaching materials and tools developed under the programme.