African Civil Society Denounces Japan’s attempt to Kill the Kyoto Protocol
By Henry Neondo
African civil society in Cancun, Mexico at the ongoing meeting on climate change have denounced the declaration by Japan at the opening session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Kyoto Protocol (AWG KP) that they will not support the Second Commitment Period of the Protocol.
The group under the auspices of Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) said they find the declaration disgraceful, irresponsible and an affront to the international dialogue process which attempts to promote global consensus on the best way to deal with climate change.
“By denouncing the only existing legally binding agreement on climate change at the alter of geopolitical and economic intrigues that have marked the negotiations, Japan confirms the fears we have been having that some industrialised countries are not genuinely interested in addressing climate change”, they said.
Mithika Mwenda, Coordinator of the group said the rejection of legally binding targets set out in Kyoto Protocol, which holds industries and corporations accountable in their emissions is the motivation for Japan’s decision. The source said the move should be rejected in totality.
“Japan is less concerned about the future of the planet and livelihoods of millions of vulnerable communities in poor countries but more concerned about protecting its own personal and its partner’s interests”, said African civil society members.
After the utter failure by the world leaders in Copenhagen in 2009 to deliver an agreement that could save the planet and many communities in the world that are already suffering the impacts of climate change, Kyoto Protocol remains the only instrument that binds rich industrialised countries to cut their greenhouse gas emissions.
By reneging on the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, Japan and Russia join the bandwagon of major polluter countries that have ignored the plight of millions of people in Africa and other developing countries whose lives and livelihoods are significantly threatened by climate change.
Through their action they have engendered an unconstructive atmosphere that will widen the North-South divide and make it difficult for parties to make progress during the 16th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.
“The African civil society urges Japan to reconsider its position. We join the rest of the civil society in the world in reiterating that Cancun should deliver a two track outcome that ensures the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol, and that ensures that countries like US which have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol take comparable actions, and that they should not hinder the democratic processes that other countries have been pursuing under KP and LCA”, said PACJA.
The group said COP 16 should build the trust that was lost among the parties in Copenhagen, and set the ambitions for an equitable, fair, ecologically just and legally binding agreement that will keep global warming under 1.5 degrees, provide adequate finances for adaptation and mitigation and chart a clear pathway for saving the planet and communities that are at risk of perishing in the wake of a changing climate.
The group also demanded the international community to put the necessary diplomatic pressure on Japan to reconsider its decision.