Senegal Gets Climate Change Adaptation Funds
By NewsfromAfrica
CANCUN – Senegal became the first African country to access climate change adaptation funds as the world meets in Cancun, Mexico. Adaptation Fund Board Chair Farrukh Khan on Wednesday announced that the Adaptation Fund Board had become operational.
In a report to the plenary session of the 3rd day of the Cancun conference of the Parties, Mr. Farrukh Khan said that the main task had been to operationalize direct access and highlighted that National Implementing Entities (NIEs) in Senegal, Jamaica and Uruguay had now been accredited, according to the Information and Communication Service (ICS) of the Economic Commission for Africa covering COP16.
He said 14 project concepts had been considered and two approved for funding. Regarding legal capacity, he noted that the German Parliament had approved legislation conferring legal capacity on the Board but that the final steps have yet to be concluded.
Reporters of the Information and Communication Service (ICS) of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) learnt that Germany also reported that the legal capacity of the Fund would be confirmed by the end of the year to enable the Board to operationalize direct access and that a Memorandum of Understanding between Germany and the Board would be signed in Cancun.
Many countries expressed satisfaction with progress made, noting, however, the need to strengthen the Fund through voluntary contributions by developed countries. Jamaica, Sierra Leone and others proposed regional training workshops to help build capacity of prospective NIEs. Nigeria welcomed joint efforts by UN Environment Programme and UN Development Programme to assist in the establishment of national implementing entities.