Somali Aid Agency Closed on ‘Spying’ Allegations
A Somali aid agency ASEP was shut down on Monday by Al Shabaab insurgents on allegations that it spies to western countries.
ASEP received the order to halt their activities on Monday, a directive they complied with.
An unidentified commander of the Al Shabaab alleged that ASEP purportedly revealed information to donor countries which were all Western Countries.
During the weekend two men were killed by the insurgents in Marka town after they were convicted by the Al Shabaab court for being spies. In the past they have also halted the activities of other aid agencies like CARE, MSF and Mercy Corps.
Al Shabaab insurgents are known as a terrorist group by the U.S. and Australian governments, which is on a mission of overthrowing the UN-backed Somali interim government. [CK]