Mugabe won just 25 per cent, says Waruiru
Morgan Tsvangirai and the MDC won the election by such a large margin, Robert Mugabe is struggling to rig himself back into power, according to founder of the African Conservative Forum, Mukui Waruiru.
"Mugabe is already illegally in power, having lost the 2002 election, but by a narrower margin than he lost this time," said Waruiru. "In 2002, some of Mugabe's more honest supporters in Africa conceded that although he lost the election, he received at least 45 per cent of the vote, which was close enough to allow manipulation of the results to manufacture a narrow victory."
This time, though, Waruiru said reports from his sources in Harare indicated Mugabe had won no more than 25 per cent of the vote.
"The first order of business should be to protect the Zimbabwean people from violence from Mugabe's security forces, should the people decide to protest the theft of the election," he said. "The US and the EU should make it absolutely clear that any commander of the Zimbabwean security forces who gives orders for the shooting of protesters will be indicted before the international criminal court. Also, every individual policeman or soldier in Zimbabwe who obeys an order to shoot protesters, should be held personally liable for his criminal act, and will be punished in an international court."