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Kenyan universities participate in model United Nations

28 February 2006 - Nairobi UNIC

More than 400 students from nine local universities will participate in the annual Kenya Model United Nations conference in Nairobi 28 February- 3 March. The nine universities include Nairobi Main Campus, Nairobi Parklands Campus, Nairobi Chiromo, Daystar, Kabarak, Kenyatta, Moi, Strathmore, Catholic, Nazarene, Maseno and the Nairobi-based United States International University.

The objective of the Model United Nations is to seek through discussion, negotiation and debate, solutions to the various problems of the world. In the process the participating students learn to adopt views and attitudes other than their own and break away from national self- interest and develop international cooperation. The members come to an understanding of foreign governments, people and international institutions such as, but not limited to, the United Nations through simulated sessions of the United Nations General Assembly.

KMUN also serves as a medium through which students have the opportunity to increase their awareness of the global issues facing the international community and fosters an environment in which students practice international diplomacy. KMUN also fosters dialogue based on tolerance and mutual understanding about various issues.
The members acquire skills in research, debate, public speaking, persuasion, problem solving, consensus building and diplomacy.

The conference will be officially opened by the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr. Paul Andre de la Porte.

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