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United Nations

UN report links industrialization to development

8 September 2005 - UN Gazeti

Global Human Development Report Aid together with the National Human development report(which is the 4th) will be be launched today. The themes for the two reports are Linking industrialization to development and Security and Development cooperation respectively.

The venue will be the Railway museum. Construction of the railway in 1899 led to the growth of Kenya's capital city-Nairobi.

This year's Report highlights these linkages and captures the dynamic benefits of, and proposes some effective steps for, pro-poor growth, which include: education for all to increase efficiency and growth; reducing health inequalities to increase productivity; income, employment and incentive-based fiscal transfers; and public investment in rural

International development assistance is one of the most effective weapons in the war against poverty. However, it needs to be reshaped to increase its quantity, improve its quality and predictability and reduce its transaction costs and enhance recipient country ownership. Although there was progress at Gleneagles Summit, too little aid is given and donors need to deliver on their promises. On the other hand, too much aid is poorly
targeted and much is wasted through inefficient delivery.

Countries can increase effectiveness of aid through targeting towards: i) improving the provision of basic services, ii) Extending social insurance, iii) Reducing inequalities, where cost barriers are some of the most important reasons why poor people do not access social services. Targeted aid can help meet global health challenges and lower those barriers. in 2003 in Kenya, increased aid to pay for primary education led to additional 1.5 million children into its schools.

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