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World observes International Youth Day

12 August 2005 - Press release
Source: UN Information Centre

New York-— International Youth Day will is being observed today in countries around the world. At United Nations Headquarters, day-long activities will highlight young people as a force for positive change and development.
Youth Day celebrations in New York will commence with city-wide youth basketball games that will conclude in the afternoon with boys’ and girls’ championship games played at Robert Moses playground, across from UN Headquarters, in the presence of National Basketball Association star Dikembe Mutombo, a UNDP Goodwill Ambassador and Youth Emissary. At the UN, New York students will join international peers in an event at 2. 00 p.m. at the Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium that will include messages from Secretary-General Kofi Annan and New York City Mayor, Michael R. Bloomberg and performances by young artists. Interactive discussions will encourage young participants to share their views and experiences on issues ranging from education to employment, environment, gender and HIV/ AIDS. The day’s events are organized through collaboration between the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the New York City Departments of Youth and Community Development and Parks and Recreation, the non-profit organization Directions for Our Youth, National Basketball Association and Consolidated Edison.
A highlight of the Youth Day observance will be the opening of a photographic exhibition entitled “Chasing the Dream: Youth faces of the MDGs” at 6. 00 p.m. in the UN Visitor’s Lobby The exhibition brings viewers face to face with eight young people from different parts of the world. Their stories provide insight into the daily realities faced by youth as they pursue their dreams for a better life. Opening the exhibition will be Ms. Thoraiya Obaid, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Mrs. Nane Annan. During the event, Ms. Roberta Flack, the popular singer and international performing artist, will perform. The exhibit is a United Nations inter-agency initiative spearheaded by the UNFPA in conjunction with UN DESA, ECA, UNESCO, the UN Millennium Campaign, the World Bank and YEN, with support from the Government of Finland. It is curated and produced by PixelPress.
2005 is an important year for youth at the United Nations. The theme for the Youth Day celebrations, “Making Commitments Matter: Reviewing ten years of the World Programme of Action for Youth” reflects the importance of making youth voices heard throughout the organization. The United Nations General Assembly will hold two plenary meetings on 6th October to mark the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the World Programme of Action for Youth. During these meetings, governments will review achievements as well as obstacles to its implementation. In September, the Assembly will also conduct its five-year review of progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals – the eight global objectives agreed by world leaders in 2000 – that set targets for 2015. With over 200 million youth living in poverty, 130 million illiterate, 88 million unemployed and 10 million living with HIV/AIDS, achieving the goals will have direct benefits for young people.
“Leaders need to be reminded of their promise to translate the Millennium Development Goals.
That is where young people like you come in. Your voices can hold leaders to those pledges – at the 2005 Summit and beyond”, said Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General in his message on International Youth Day.Several countries including Egypt, Ghana, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago and Uganda are also gearing up for observances. International Youth Day was endorsed by a resolution of the Several countries including Egypt, Ghana, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago and Uganda are also gearing up for observances. International Youth Day was endorsed by a resolution of the General Assembly in 1999 (A/RES/54/120) as a means to promote greater awareness, especially among youth, of the World Programme of Action for Youth.
In Kisumu, several events will be held at Kisumu Girls high scool, Kisumu Polytechnic, YMCA and at Maseno University to mark IYD2005. The Minister of Gender Sports, Culture and Social Services as well as other senior Government officials, leading CSO's in Nyanza, academic institutions and young people will get together to discuss youth problems as well as solutions. On 12 August, a march will be held from the junction of Kondele/Kakamega Rd to Jomo Kenyatta Sports ground, which will culminate in a day-long event that will include meetings and performances.

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