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Government suspends popular radio programme

12 May 2005 - Africafiles
Source: Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), Windhoek

On 28 March 2005, the government-controlled "Angolan National
Radio" suspended a very popular current affairs and analysis program
directed by journalists Africano Neto and Isaac Neney.

Neto told MISA-Angola representatives that the decision to suspend the
program may have been due to Neney's severe criticism of the government.

Earlier, on 14 March, Neney - who is also the former MISA representative in
Angola - expressed the opinion to the Catholic Radio Ecclesia that the
Angolan government and ruling Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola
(MPLA) officials had enough money to lend the government rather than embark
on a campaign to persuade the international community to support a donor

The donor community however says no support will be provided until there is
evidence that the Angolan government is adopting serious policies to ensure
transparency of public revenue expenditure and good governance.

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