News and Views on Africa from Africa
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8 March 2005 - Pambazuka
Source: Distributed by Pambazuka, visit:

UNIFEM and the Southern African Media NGO, Gender Links, are collaborating to run a series of cyberdialogues, in order to: 1) allow people not able to be in New York for B+10 to be kept abreast of issues and to give their comments; 2) use ICT as a medium to reach women around the world and engage them in the B+10 process; 3) reach out to a younger IT-savvy audience globally. Seven real time online chats will be conducted, facilitated out of UNIFEM HQ in NY, beginning on 2 March 2005. Experts will be called on to speak briefly on specific topics and their comments woven into the chats. UNIFEM regional offices, such as the Nairobi office, are deeply involved, providing access to women's organisations and members of the public through cybercafes, the UN complex and other NGO venues. The Regional Programme Director has also succeeded in getting the participation of the World Bank who will also provide a substantial number of access points - they have contacted their global offices with the information and are urging people to log on. For more information about the cyberdialogues, contact Kubi Rama at: or .

You can download the report of the Secretary-General on the review and appraisal of the progress made in national level implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and the outcome documents of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly in 2000, by loading the page

* For a background briefing on Beijing +10 and related links, visit the following web page:

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